Cascadia Poetics LAB
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Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

About Place Journal (From Judith Roche)

March 2, 2013

Dear Writers from A River Runs Through Us issue of About Place Journal,About Place

I’m sending you an invitation to submit to the upcoming issue of “About
Place Journal”, Earth Spirit Society. It is an issue conceived of to honor
the memory of Patricia Monaghan, who passed away in November. Patricia,
along with Michael McDermott, was co-founder of Black Earth Institute, the
parent organization of “About Place Journal.” She was a beloved inspiration
to all who knew her. She worked tirelessly to implement her vision of social
justice, environmental health, and spirituality, in its many forms. She was
also a very dear and beloved friend.

This issue of About Place will honor Patricia’s memory by speaking to her
values. It is not meant to be memoirs of Patricia. You do not need to have
known Patricia to speak to these values. It will be edited by Michael
McDermott, the co-founder of BEI and Patricia’s husband. Do read the
attached call for submissions and consider a possible contribution.

Deadline May 1, 2013.

The theme of the current issue of “About Place Journal” is Wall Street Do consider submitting to the
upcoming issue, Earth, Spirit Society.

Best Wishes,

Judith Roche


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