Classic Pike Place Market Photo Project seeks Funds

August 22, 2013

(From Jack Large)

Hip 60’s slide show with stories turned on, tuned in, dropped out. Ektachrome 127-size photos scanned and gifted to City of Seattle.

I had a sleeping room in Abie Label’s “artist colony” on the 11th floor of the Frye Hotel near Seattle’s Pioneer Square at the end of 1966.Most of my Pike Place Farmers’ Market shots were taken using Ektachrome 127 film, in the “baby” Rolleiflex TLR camera my Dad brought back from Europe after WWII. He gave it to me when I turned 18 and graduated from high school…(Click here to continue.)

1 Comment

  1. Jack Large

    This link will play the video. Anyone interested may also want to back up one screen to the Kickstarter page where this link appears and check out some of the project updates, and where we stand in the financing. Thanks, Paul, for posting this, and thanks to all who view it. We’d love to hear from you.


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