Big Joy (Film)

October 26, 2013

Dear Paul Nelson,

I’m writing to connect with you about an upcoming film screening at
Northwest Film Forum this November called BIG JOY, which we think may be
of interest to your community.

BIG JOY is the story of the life and adventures of poet, artist and
filmmaker James Broughton, an inspiring “outsider’s outsider” who
gravitated to the center of revolutions both sexual and artistic. The
documentary is a moving, lively portrait of an important artist exploring
healing and spirituality (an out poet during the oppressive McCarthy era
as well as the liberated, joyful bard of the modern gay rights movement).

BIG JOY screens from November 1 – 7 at our venue on Capitol Hill; here’s a
bit more information:

Can you help us spread the word (on the web, social media, or email) about
this locally made film that celebrates this transformative artist?

Thank you for your time, and I hope you can join us for a screening.

Best wishes,
Peggy Entrop

Northwest Film Forum


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