Call for Writing – COG

December 8, 2015

COGDear Paul Nelson:

What do Lemony Snicket (Daniel Handler), A. Van Jordan, Gish Jen, Snap Judgment host Glynn Washington, Soma Mei Sheng Frazier, Donna Steiner, Opal Palmer Adisa, Molly Giles, Tomas Moniz, Ron Austin, Ajuan Mance, Paul S. Flores, Arisa White, Jendi Steiner, Calder Marchman and our close-knit editorial staff of students from the Bay Area’s Cogswell Polytechnical College have in common? Issue 1 of COG.

Get your story or poem adapted as an animated short, 2D animation, graphic novel or interpretive illustration series. Earn a blurbs from Daniel Handler or A. Van Jordan. And if you’re more of a stage storyteller than a page storyteller, find your audience by telling your tale in our audio broadcast, Cogitate, which just announced a new, oncoming host: Irene Noguchi, Producer of KQED’s nationally-beloved talk show, “Forum.”

We’ve found that the writers we stalk in Poets & Writers’ directory send in a higher caliber of work than those we identify from other literary groups – maybe because vets its community of authors with fairly strict requirements. And we heart reading good writing – so please consider submitting your work.

We’re new, but we hit hard and shout our contributors’ names from the mountaintops. Check us out at

Aimee Pitcher, Cog Staff Editor

Each issue of COG is a curiously constructed curation offered up by the students of Cogswell Polytechnical College.
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