Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8


March 18, 2020

August Poetry Postcard festival and POPO cards old logo Seattle, WA, March 19, 2020—Seattle Poetics LAB (SPLAB), a literary arts-oriented nonprofit organization and organizing entity of the Cascadia Poetry Festival, is now registering writers for the 14th August Poetry Postcard Fest. 

We understand the global seriousness of COVID-19 and the situation in which we find ourselves. In these challenging times, we can use an outlet for creativity and that is the sole reason for moving up the online registration. With a name change to POPO this year, the fest, an exercise in spontaneous composition and community building, celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2017 with the release of 56 Days of August. Registration for the 14th edition of the fest is open until July 18. 

To participate in POPO, writers first register online at POPO.cardsThen after March 19, lists of participants will begin to be sent out in groups of 32. Each participating poet has until the end of August to write 31 original poems on postcards to be sent to each other person on their list. Postcards can be as simple or as elaborate as the poet wishes.

In 2019 the fest had 424 participants, spread out as far as the United States, Australia and Japan. All the fest’s instructions, interviews and facts can now be found at The fest is the largest annual fundraiser for SPLAB; registration is set at $10 per poet, with donations over this amount also accepted. 

Over the past 26 years SPLAB has been instrumental in leading a bioregional cultural investigation using poetics, poetry festivals, publications and education and to building community through shared experience of the spoken and written word. Through the Cascadia Poetry Festival, the organization facilitates an annual gathering of writers, artists, scientists and activists to collaborate, discover and foster deeper connection between all inhabitants and the place itself.

SPLAB (, a Seattle-based nonprofit, was founded in Auburn, Washington, on December 14, 1993.


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