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Kubota Garden Poems

March 11, 2021
From Lola Peters:

Kubota Garden Revealed

Your Kubota Garden Poem

Open, online, poetry reading

Monday, April 12, 10:00-11:00 a.m.

Among the beautiful elements of the book Spirited Stone: Lessons from Kubota’s Garden are the poems by Anastacia-Reneé, Elizabeth Austen, Claudia Castro Luna, Samuel Green, Shankar Narayan, and Shin Yu Pai. To celebrate National Poetry month, Kubota Garden Foundation is making the April edition of Kubota Garden Revealed an open poetry reading. We invite poets near and far to sign up for a spot to read one of your Kubota Garden inspired poems. Please limit your poem to no longer than 3 minutes.

Use this link to get to the registration page. Click the green SIGN UP button for Poets and enter your information. There are 15 slots allocated for poets; however, if time allows, we’ll open the floor to more. To see the Zoom logistics, click the dropdown arrow beside Poets.

The reading will be facilitated by Kubota Garden Foundation’s office administrator and poet, Lola Peters.


Can’t wait to hear all the wonderful poems celebrating this wonderful place! Let me know if you have any questions.
pine cone


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