1020. The Light Change Paul E Nelson postcard poem

Seriality (A 2022 Workshop:

December 16, 2021
Roberta Hoffman

In this workshop we take the methods and the organismic stance toward poetics (& life) and continue to investigate how to deepen one’s own work and life through spontaneous writing, rituals, honing the intuition, exercising the imagination & discovering the joy of seriality. In five weeks Poetry Postcard Fest co-founder Paul E Nelson will guide you as you investigate several approaches toward serial form, read essays, read and write poems, engage in discussion and have related outside-of-class activities suggested to deepen one’s relation to this stance. The course will be offered at two times:

 Thursdays at 4pm PST January 13, 20, 27 & Feb 3 & 10.

Saturdays at 9:30am PST, January 15, 22, 29 & Feb 5 & 12.


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