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New Review of Cascadian Zen Vol. I

November 13, 2023
Veronica Martinez

Read Kirkus Review of Cascadian Zen Vol. I!

Kirkus Reviews has published a review for Watershed Press’ poetry anthology Cascadian Zen Vol. I, edited by Paul Nelson, Adelia MacWilliam and Jason Wirth, and designed by Theresa Whitehill. The positive review outlines the contents of the poetry anthology and the intentions behind it– bioregionalism, Zen buddhism and an appreciation for the systems of life all around us. “The volume makes for a wonderfully fertile collection,” Kirkus Reviews expresses, “with ideas and voices mingling seamlessly in a way that does indeed summon the natural wonders of Cascadia.” You can read the review online HERE:

We wanted to make a couple clarifications regarding the information included in the review. Cascadia is not just a nickname for this general region, but is an ecologically and geographically defined bioregion including Washington, Oregon, parts of northern California, parts of Idaho and Montana, British Columbia and some of southern Alaska. Additionally, Wedlidi Speck is credited as a poetry contributor to the anthology in this review, but he actually contributed art pieces to the book.

We are incredibly grateful to have Kirkus Reviews read and positively review the anthology!

We would love to know what you think. Buy the book here and comment below!



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