Winter in America (Again Poets Respond to 2024 Election
Winter in America (Again is a poetry anthology in response to the 2024 presidential election, with 8 editors including Paul Nelson, Katie Sarah Zale and Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs. The anthology is published by Carbonation Press with cover art designed by Jasper and Roberta Hoffman. The idea for the anthology came from Katie Sarah Zale, who is writing a biography on Sam Hamill and facilitating a workshop on him, who asked herself, “What would Sam do?” in regard to the 2024 U.S. presidential election. The anthology features the work of over 50 poets including Catalina Cantu, CA Conrad, Brenda Hillman, Robert Lashley and more. It is AVAILABLE NOW to purchase!
As a launch of the anthology and in response to the inauguration, Carbonation Press will be hosting two Zoom events, which will include readings from contributing poets. The first event is TOMORROW, SUNDAY JANUARY 19 11 AM-1 PM PST! The second event will take place on Monday, January 20 5-7 PM. CLICK HERE to learn more and find the Zoom links. We hope to see you there! It was a great feat to publish this anthology so quickly, and we are grateful to the contributors and editors for their dedication to this project.
WHEN: Sunday January 19 11 AM-1 PM PST, Monday January 20 5-7 PM PST