Winter in America (Again: Poets Respond to 2024 Election was launched last night in Seattle University’s Sinegal 110. Co-sponsored by the Seattle U Philosophy Department, Chaired by Tetsuzen Jason Wirth, the reading started with Dr. Wirth, the only non-poet in the book. I introduced Katie Sarah Zale via Zoom in Tucson and all the other poets, including Catalina Cantú, Stacey Jones, Zach Charles, Terran Campbell, Deborah Bacharach, Matt Trease, Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs and your humble narrator. I think Matt got muted on the Zoom call, which is the source of audio and a little dicey. Katie Sarah Zale also read the anthology’s poem written by Kwanetha Harris, a poet writing from prison and delighted to be in the anthology.
It was again brought up during the reading, as it was during one of the Zoom readings, that having such gatherings was helpful to survive the Shock & Awe flooding the zone “with shit” to quote a former D.T. confidant about the strategy designed to keep attention away from the damage being done to USAmerican democracy by the kakistocracy. I hope my “Self-Care Tips for the New Winter in America are of some use. You can hear them on the audio near the end. May some good come out of these next four years.
Audio of the reading is not great quality, but is here:
Buy the book here:
Huge thanks to Megan Foster for her help with set-up and book sales & to Gabriella for fotos:
Rocking the Free World (what is left of it)! Thank you all! Critical thought, deep compassion, and revolutionary creativity are more important now than ever. May all beings flourish!