Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8
2021, Year 15, Tribute to di Prima, McClure

2021, Year 15, Tribute to di Prima, McClure

Have you seen the gorgeous Online Poetry Postcard Fest Exhibit yet? Thank you Kristen Ryberg and James Gaynor for making it a reality. On that site you can read that the 15th year of the Poetry Postcard Fest is a tribute to two poets who helped inspire the fest and...
Voices of the Grieving Heart

Voices of the Grieving Heart

Veteran postcard poet NanLeah Mick is helping with this poetry event: Voices of the Grieving Heart A Poetry Reading by Six Contributors with Mike Bernhardt, Kris Kington-Barker and John Fox ~ Free Online Event ~ Sunday, May 23, 1:30 – 3:00 pm Pacific and/or...
bluebird (bloo-burd)

bluebird (bloo-burd)

Ellensburg, Washington postcard poet Joanne Thomas has released a book of poems; inventive “definitions” entitled bluebird (bloo-burd). TWO postcard poems chime in as Bluebird blurbers, Bethany Reid and Matt Trease: Here is but one example at...
New SPLAB Board Members

New SPLAB Board Members

In the last 5 weeks two new members have joined the SPLAB board of directors. Please welcome these two extraordinary humans. Already they have changed the scope and direction of the organization and I am grateful for their work with SPLAB and its mission. Diana Elser...

Consider Supporting SPLAB during Give Big

I am asking your support for SPLAB during Give Big and contributions are being accepted now. As you may know, SPLAB is the non-profit organization that facilitates the Poetry Postcard Fest. (Registration for Year 15 is open now, here.) Give Big today here:...