Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Christine Lowther’s Tree Anthology

Christine Lowther, the Poet Laureate of Tofino, BC, and a Make it True poet, had a call for poets who love TREES. IT IS NOW CLOSED TO SUBMISSIONS.   And if they are a high school-age poet there is:

Tetsuzen Jason Wirth on SPLAB Ahimsa

How are two of SPLAB’s key programs (the August POetry POstcard Fest and the Cascadia Poetry Fest related?) See Tetsuezn Jason Wirth elaborate on a SPLAB Zoom call: Jason on Ahimsa, January 20, 2021 And just bringing a few of the strands together, I’m...

Mike O’Connor Obituary

Mike O’Connor August 3, 1944 – January 4, 2021 Obit by Tim McNulty and Jack Estes Mike O’Connor, a poet, writer, translator, and editor who championed Olympic Peninsula writers, died on January 4 at his home in...

Name as Fundamental Pattern

Ian Boyden Reads from A Forest of Names Join Ian Boyden for a reading of poems from A Forest of Names: 108 Meditations, a collection of poems translating the names of schoolchildren killed in the 2008 Sichuan earthquake. 5,196 schoolchildren were killed when their...