Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Life as Rehearsal for the Poem Spring 2025

A five week online (Zoom) workshop best suited for continuing participants and more experienced poets (open to open form) in workshops facilitated by Cascadia Poetics Lab and Poetry Postcard Fest Co-Founder Paul E Nelson. Participate in reading and discussion of foundational essays, interviews, listening and other assignments, as well as spontaneous poetry composition exercises, part of a series of courses happening before the next postcard season. In Spring 2025, we will explore passages from Cascadian Zen Vol 2 – Baskets Four & Five, and related texts and assignments. How can one’s poetics be a cosmology and how can one maintain some experience of the Poetry Postcard Fest, & allow one’s life as a creative participant in the world to rise in one’s personal hierarchy of duties/activities? How is the projective poem an antidote to Silicon Valley attention fracking? $250 for each five week session per person, scholarships are available. Sunday nights, 2-5pm PDT (April 6, 13, 20, 27, and May 4) by invitation only. Preference given to participants who wish to commit to both five-week sessions in the 2025 season.

April 6, 13, 20, & 27
May 4

Link to purchase Cascadian Zen Volume 2

Also, this essay on Investigative Poetry will be essential. Please read it before the course begins and come with questions or comments.


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