Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8
Please Give Big to SPLAB in 2021

Please Give Big to SPLAB in 2021

I am asking your support for SPLAB during Give Big and contributions are being accepted now. Between July 2020 and last week I have been working my ass off with the guidance of 501 Commons and specifically two of their representatives,...

#APPF13 Wrapup (What I Wrote)

It seems rather overwhelming to summarize my experience as a participant of the 13th August Poetry Postcard Fest which longtime participant Terry Holzman a few years ago nicknamed PoPo and an anthology in 2017 called the “56 Days of August.” Yet here I am,...

Easy Speak Rainier Beach

It is with great excitement that we announce an extension of the popular Easy Speak reading series to Jude’s Old Town in Rainier Beach on the first Monday of each month beginning on December 4, 2017. The Easy Speak series started five years ago at the Wedgwood...

Launch of 56 Days

The anthology 56 Days of August: Poetry Postcards is out in the world and the three co-editors were among the poets reading from the book and discussing their practice of creating, composing and mailing poetry postcards. Ina Roy-Faderman, Judy Kleinberg and your...

August 2017 Poetry Postcard Fest Afterword

Nothing signifies the end of summer in Cascadia like rain and it is raining as I write this. This year especially. 60+ days of no measurable precipitation makes me feel a little guilty about all the rain going to Texas and Louisiana as a result of Hurricane Harvey. Of...