by Veronica Martinez | Dec 26, 2023 | blog cascadia poetics lab
Watch the CPF7 Saturday Night Readings! To close out our second day of Cascadia Poetry Festival 7, poet, teacher, astrologer and CPL board member Matt Trease hosted readings by Andrew Schelling, Cedar Sigo, Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs, Tess Gallagher and Brenda...
by Veronica Martinez | Dec 23, 2023 | blog cascadia poetics lab, News
Highlights from the Cascadian Zen Vol. I Mini Tour! In celebration of the release of Cascadian Zen Vol. I published by Watershed Press, Cascadia Poetics Lab embarked on a mini-tour of readings and presentations in Washington and Oregon in early December. The mini-tour...
by Veronica Martinez | Dec 10, 2023 | blog cascadia poetics lab
Watch the CPF7 Poetics of De-Colonial Cascadia Video! On Saturday, October 7, 2023, we followed the Empty Bowl Press panel with a panel on the Poetics of De-Colonial Cascadia. This panel was moderated by Dr. Jason Wirth, and included poet, interviewer and Cascadia...
by Ryukan | Dec 5, 2023 | blog cascadia poetics lab
SEATTLE, WA, December 05, 2023 — Seattle-based poetry nonprofit Cascadia Poetics Lab is engaged in multiple celebrations throughout the Cascadia bioregion to celebrate the release of their poetry anthology Cascadian Zen Vol. I, published by Watershed Press....
by Veronica Martinez | Nov 27, 2023 | blog cascadia poetics lab
Cascadia Poetics Lab board member Dr. Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs interview with sociology blog Sociology Group In the interview, Gutiérrez y Muhs discusses her journey from child farmworker to a professor with multiple degrees from multiple institutions, including...