Samthology Campaign

A book to honor Sam Hamill will be launched at the Cascadia Poetry Festival in Anacortes, May 9-12, 2019. Ian Boyden christened it the Samthology and an IndieGoGo campaign has begun to raise the funds to produce the book and support the festival. You can contribute...

Slametan for Sam Hamill

Though he may not have been excited about the notion of a Javanese ritual event centered around his life, there will be a slametan for Sam Hamill, Monday, July 23, at the Wedgwood Ale House. From Wikipedia: The ceremony takes its name from the Javanese word slamet,...

Sam Hamill Poem – To My Muse

Sam Hamill reads from his new chapbook, Border Songs, Saturday, November 10 at 7:30 at Spring Street Center, 15th & Spring in Seattle, a block south of Union. Details here. His friend and collaborator Ian Boyden will display one of the most remarkable books ever...