Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Two More Gigs for Habib from Morocco

El Habib Louai is charming the people of Seattle who see his almost constant smile, hear his translations of Ginsberg into Arabic and enjoy his energetic and deeply perceptive look at USAmerican culture during his first visit to this country. He has two more...

New SPLAB Bookmark

Thanks to the Wily Almondina and Victor Pascual (of Digital Navajo) the new SPLAB bookmark is here:

Listen to Nate Mackey’s SPLAB Interview, Reading

Nathaniel Mackey’s visit to Seattle was a remarkable weekend. He gave a reading and facilitated a workshop at SPLAB on Saturday, March 12 and gave a prose reading and engaged in a conversation at the NW African-American Museum on Friday, March 11. Earlier on...

Nate Mackey Tonight @ SPLAB

SPLAB welcomes legendary poet, essayist, novelist and editor Nathaniel Mackey to Columbia City for a reading tonight at 7:30 at SPLAB, 3651 S. Edmunds in the Cultural Corner of the former Columbia School. Admission to the public reading is $5. Poet and novelist...