Enbridge Corporate Responsibility

Enbridge Corporate Responsibility

From Christine Leclerc:

Hope it’s not rude of me to do this, but I have a call for submissions to disseminate and have been so enjoying The Apocalypse Anthology that I could not resist!

I am co-facilitating a 1,173 kilometer-long poetry collaboration called Enpipe Line and would like to invite you to contribute. The poem is being written in resistance to Enbridge’s Northern Gateway Pipelines proposal and projects like it (more info below or at http://christineleclerc.com/category/communiques/). The “and projects like it” part makes it very broad, so submissions do not have to revolve around environmental issues.

Enpipe Line is being called a “communal poetic response” (Rob Budde) or a “collaborative protest” (granvillemag) and currently includes work from Ray Hsu, Stephen Collis, Krissy Darch, Peter Macdonald, Wiesia Kujawa, Jen Currin, Michael Nardone, Cortney K Dawkin and more. The line is just over 12 kilometers long at the moment, and the site where it is featured (http://christineleclerc.com) evolves according to the suggestions of the line’s participants. So far they have had the brilliant idea of having the line scroll across the top of the page. They have also mentioned that it would be cool if the site could incorporate images of resistance to socially and environmentally destructive projects as background images or in an image gallery. I intend to do both.

If you or anyone you know would like to participate, please let me know (full call for submissions below).

Christine Leclerc