From Thomas Walton,

PageBoy has proofs, and the proof is in the, uh, printer. Issue III 11 will be out and all over everywhere soon – like pudding I guess. If you want to see the magazine FIRST, join us at Arabica (Capitol Hill, Seattle) on Sat. June 4th at 8pm. We will be celebrating with readers Erika Wilder, Sarah Erickson, Paul Nelson, and Sarah Galvin. Shannon Perry will be showing her (amazing) watercolor portraits (featured in the magazine), and Myriad Minions will be performing LIVE NUDE MUSIC!

Check the blog ( for more information re this and re that (and to find out what a Shklovsky looks like!)

-Thomas Walton (ed period)

P.S. Try to get a copy of the last edition of Pageboy, which has a HUGE helping of Amalio Madueno’s work.