Five Alarms Lit Crawl – Jan 26, 2013

January 7, 2013

The 3rd buy diflucan online Five Alarms Lit Crawl happens Saturday, January 26, 2013 in Greenwood, featuring: Aaron Kokorowski, Amy Billharz, Morris Stegosaurus, Aaron Kemply, Arlene Kim, Theo Dzielak, Molly Mac, Emily Wittenhagen, Queequeg, Doug Nufer,  Tessa Hulls, John Burgess, David Lasky and Karen Finneyfrock.

Jan 26, 2013, Greenwood

Jan 26, 2013, Greenwood

The schedule is an approximate guideline for the evening, and times are subject to variance.

I. 5:20-6:10PM – Chocolati 8319 Greenwood Ave. N
Aaron Kokorowski, Amy Billharz, Morris Stegosaurus

II. 6:20-7:10 – Couth Buzzard 8310 Greenwood Ave. N
Aaron Kemply, Arlene Kim, Theo Dzielak

III. 7:20 -7:30 – outdoor presentation
Molly Mac

IV. 7:35 -8:30 – Bherd Studios 312 N. 85th St. Suite 101
Emily Wittenhagen, Queequeg, Doug Nufer

V. 8:40 -9:30 – Naked City Brewery 8564 Greenwood Ave. N
Tessa Hulls, Joun Burgess, David Lasky, Karen Finneyfrock

This is a free event, please tip your bartenders and baristas well!


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