The board of the Cascadia Poetics Lab had its spring 2023 board retreat on Salt Spring Island. Our last retreat on the Long Beach Peninsula was a huge success and we made new friends in that part of the world. Promo poster by Roberta Hoffman is below. Here is the audio in order of the readers, including introductions.
Brian Day
2. Diana Elser
3. Shirley Graham
4. Adelia MacWilliam
5. Paul E Nelson
6. Matt Trease
7. Ursula Vaira
8. Ann Graham Walker
9. Peter Levitt
Paul E Nelson April 15, 2023
Adelia MacWilliam April 15, 2023
Brian Day April 15, 2023
Diana Elser April 15, 2023
Shirley Graham April 15, 2023
Matt Trease April 15, 2023
Ursula Vaira April 15, 2023
Ann Graham Walker April 15, 2023
Peter Levitt April 15, 2023
1 Comment
Lorin Medley
on April 20, 2023 at 9:25 pm
Worth the trip to Saltspring! Thanks to all from Ted and Lorin (Comox)
In the call, we stated: “We are looking for words that come from thoughtful reflection and compassion for the loss we feel for ourselves and this country. (Please no screeds.)” Still, we got many poems that were filled with righteous anger, on which we passed. The book features many poems that offer suggestions, pathways and even self-care tips for the new Winter in America. That very phrase “Winter in America” comes from Gil Scott-Heron, and was used by the editors as a sort-of invocation to Gil’s spirit and legacy. I
Winter in America (Again Poets Respond to 2024 Election Winter in America (Again is a poetry anthology in response to the 2024 presidential election, with 8 editors including Paul Nelson, Katie Sarah Zale and Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs. The anthology is published by...
Worth the trip to Saltspring! Thanks to all from Ted and Lorin (Comox)