Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8
Poetics of De-Colonial Cascadia panel CPF7

CPF7 Poetics of De-Colonial Cascadia Video

December 10, 2023
Veronica Martinez

Watch the CPF7 Poetics of De-Colonial Cascadia Video!

On Saturday, October 7, 2023, we followed the Empty Bowl Press panel with a panel on the Poetics of De-Colonial Cascadia. This panel was moderated by Dr. Jason Wirth, and included poet, interviewer and Cascadia Poetics Lab founder Paul E. Nelson, poet and educator Sara Marie Ortíz, poet, translator and typographer Robert Bringhurst, and poet and educator Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs. David Griggs was the emcee. Thank you to Greg Bem for capturing the videos and photos of this event! 

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