Mapes Creek Postcard

Less Than One Month

June 6, 2024

Poetry Postcard Fest D-Day is July 4 and already there are 14 groups of 32 poets each awaiting their list for the 18th Poetry Postcard Fest. Registration is open here: you have a poet friend who has not yet experienced the joy of postcards.

Here at the world headquarters of the Cascadia Poetics Lab, we are getting ready to write postcards next to our humble city creek and Roberta Hoffman has created some beautiful old school postcards, like these:

Thanks for being part of this community of poets.


  1. Clayton Clark

    These cards are fabulous! Excited for the coming list. Thank you.

  2. msjadeli

    Yay! Those are neat-looking postcards.

  3. Suzanne S. Austin-Hill

    Will the 6/16 ZOOM call be recorded?

  4. Splabman

    That is the plan.

  5. Splabman

    Yes that is the plan Suzanne.

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