Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

The Cards I Got (APPF13 2019)

I have been holding off on taking and posting my annual picture of poetry postcards received during this year’s August Poetry Postcard Fest. If I counted right, I got 62 cards: This is a shot taken Friday, September 13, 2019, and it does not do justice to the...

#APPF13 Wrapup (What I Wrote)

It seems rather overwhelming to summarize my experience as a participant of the 13th August Poetry Postcard Fest which longtime participant Terry Holzman a few years ago nicknamed PoPo and an anthology in 2017 called the “56 Days of August.” Yet here I am,...

APPF13 Update

As of this writing there are 424 participants for the 13th Poetry Postcard Fest. Registration for 2019 ended July 18 and has BEGUN for APPF14. It will end July 4, 2020, earlier than in past years! So far there are participants...

Call for August Poetry Postcard Fest

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SPLAB ISSUES CALL FOR 13TH AUGUST POETRY POSTCARD FEST Seattle, WA, June 5, 2019—Seattle Poetics LAB (SPLAB), a literary arts-oriented nonprofit organization and organizing entity of the Cascadia Poetry Festival, is now registering writers for...


I have been running since about May 7 and no rest in sight as I write this from Brooklyn, in the city that does not sleep because jackhammers start at 7am and people are never afraid to use their car horn. Ever. While I visit my daughter the journalist, I do NYC...