Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8
Cate Gable on Police Poetry

Cate Gable on Police Poetry

SPLAB’s own Cate Gable, intrepid columnist for the Chinook Observer, observes the (ahem) “poetry” of the Minneapolis Police in the Derek Chauvin case: There are several literary devices at play here. Let’s start with understatement. “To note” is an...

SPLAB @ &Now Cascadia by Anthology

I am delighted to be part of the &Now Conference, which is being staged at UW-Bothell, September 19-22, 2019, with a rather remarkable collection of “experimental” poets.Not sure what word is appropriate these days for poets who take risks in their...

Samthology: A Tribute to Sam Hamill

It was Ian Boyden’s idea. Ian named the book, provided a striking cover and with Cate Gable’s writing and photographs, and his feedback, and Lyn Coffin’s expert proof-reading skills, the Samthology: A Tribute to Sam Hamill is ready to be launched at...

Samthology Launch at Cascadia Poetry Fest

Thanks to Ian Boyden’s cover design and Cate Gable’s marvelous introduction and Lyn Coffin’s expert proof-reading and to many contributors writing homages in French, Spanish and English, the Samthology will be launched at the Cascadia Poetry...

Samthology Campaign

A book to honor Sam Hamill will be launched at the Cascadia Poetry Festival in Anacortes, May 9-12, 2019. Ian Boyden christened it the Samthology and an IndieGoGo campaign has begun to raise the funds to produce the book and support the festival. You can contribute...