Living Room, Tuesday September 27, 2011

The mind writes what is.  —Gertrude Stein Zuihitisu is a classical Japanese form that looks like prose but sounds like poetry. Zuihitsu has been translated as “following the brush” or “random jottings.” The poet accumulates anecdotes, impressions, overheard...

Cedar Sigo on SPLAB Presents (KBCS.FM)

On September 24th, poets will gather (at SPLAB) & in 450 cities around the world in an event called 100 Thousand Poets for Change. The event is designed to change how we see global community and work to cure symptoms of a world that, in Gary Snyder’s words, is...

Visiting Poet from New Orleans the Living Room Guest, 9.20.11

Join facilitator Anthony Warnke as he welcomes Verna Press poet David Rowe to the Living Room. David will talk about his work and read some poems and then there will be time for you to debut something new and get intelligent feedback. 7P Tuesday, September 20 @ SPLAB....

The Present Absence? (Living Room for Tuesday 9.13.11, 7P)

In the 1880’s Nietzsche declared, God is Dead.  God remains dead.  And we have killed him.  Atheists would argue God was never alive to begin with.  Religious fundamentalists disagree.  But for the large majority of us – Agnostics, freethinkers, lapsed…whatevers –...

SPLAB’s Season Begins Tuesday! Living Room 7PM 9.6.11

Every step once taken in the first advance of the human race, from the amoeba to the highest type of intelligence, has been duplicated, every step exactly paralleling the one that preceded in the dead ages gone by. A perfect plagiarism results.Everything is and is...