by Ryukan | Sep 2, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
2013 Postcard Afterword 2013 was the 7th year of the Poetry Postcard Fest overall and the 2nd year that Brendan McBreen would be in charge of organizing and distributing the list. A call went out on June 22 and I did not respond right away and found myself at 52 on...
by Ryukan | Jul 17, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
The man coordinating the list for the 2013 Poetry Postcard Fest, Brendan McBreen, informs us that 179 poets have signed up so far and the cut off date is less than two weeks away. (His update below.) I am thinking I’ll get an early start on my list and see if I...
by Ryukan | Jun 22, 2013 | Poetry Postcard Fest
From Brendan McBreen: Once more it is almost August! The August Poetry Postcard Project is an exercise in responding to other poets. You write a poem a day for the month of August, write it on a postcard and send it to the next name on your list. When you receive a...
by Ryukan | Oct 15, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
427. to Ramon Hildreth, SeaTac, WA – Not Yet Muddy 9.26.12 Medora, ND, Ramon – Loaded w/ egg-salad and roast beast sangwiches, pass Oink Joint Rd. & Peace Pipe Vista to a “Fish Hook & a riddle.” What life what soul what consciousness...
by Ryukan | Feb 21, 2012 | Poetry Postcard Fest
Poetry Postcard Exercise Ted Berrigan, Robin Blaser and Jack Spicer are among the more notable poets to engage in such a project. Berrigan’s book of them (A Certain Slant on Sunlight) was completed six months before his death in 1983. Alice Notley wrote: the cards as...