Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Cascadia Poetry Fest Poster/Summaries

Here are links to some of the photographs and summaries of the 1st Cascadia Poetry Festival: Barbara Erwine photos:!200 Kim Goldberg’s...

Living Room April 3, 7P – Synesthesia

  Synesthesia is a neurologically based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic and involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.  We are not talking about constructing clever metaphors here, for...

Cascadia Afterthoughts 3.27.12 Living Room

We’re still recovering from the very successful Cascadia Poetry Festival which SPLAB conceived of and hosted this past weekend. This week in the Living Room we’ll share our best memories of the just-concluded fest, discuss plans for future iterations and...

Cascadia Poetry Festival Update

We are in the final stages of preparation for next weekend’s Cascadia Poetry Festival, which is shaping up to be quite the amazing event, and we’d like to thank you  all for your support as Paul and I await our own amazing event: the birth of our daughter...

Puget SOUND Poetry

Nico Vassilakis is curating a night of Puget Sound Poetry, Friday, March 23, 2012 7-9P at Vermillion, 1508 11th Av, as a prelude to the Cascadia Poetry Festival. Including: Cristin Miller Molly Mac Fedyk Ezra Mark Crag Hill Nico Vassilakis Joe Milutis Four Hoarse Men:...

Living Room, Tuesday 3.20.12 Prose. Poetry. Prose poetry?

Prose. Poetry. Prose poetry? While the debate where one ends and the other begins is destined to rage into eternity, few would argue that prose often appeals to our sense of language, and poetry often retains a narrative edge. We’ll look at and discuss the...

Great Beer and Poetry: The Cascadia After Party

Great Beer and Poetry: The Cascadia After Party Saturday, March 24, 9:30 p.m. at SPLAB Suggested donation $5.00. (Free to Gold Pass holders. Register here.) Breadline and Richard Hugo House, home of the popular “Cheap Wine and Poetry” Series, combine forces to present...

Igniting the Green Fuse: Women on Eco-poetry

“Igniting the Green Fuse: Women on Eco-poetry” panel moderated by Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC) 12-4P Saturday panel, nature walk and writing prompt: Igniting the Green Fuse: Women on Eco-poetry moderated by Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC) featuring: Catherine Owen...

Tim McNulty Workshop Description: Images as Windows

Tim McNulty Workshop Description: Images as Windows (Saturday, March 24, 1-3P at SPLAB) In our workshop we’ll explore the power of images to convey meaning, nuance and mood in our poems.  We’re review some poems that rely on images, and we’ll jot some images in our...

Living Room Tuesday 3.13.12 Poetry Extraction

Poetry Extraction One purpose of jargon is to rationalize discourse by substituting objective language for subjective language. (Just look at that sentence.) Ironically, removing emotion-soaked terms makes language sound disturbed, robotic. Take this blurb from the...

Cascadia Gold Passes are IN!

The 1st Cascadia Poetry Festival is happening at SPLAB March 24 and 25, 2012. Will this be an historic event? Advance reservations are highly suggested and are cheap at $50. Half the space is already taken. & here’s what the Gold Pass looks like:

Living Room, Tuesday, Mar 6: I Love this Poem Because ____

I Love this Poem Because ____ Tonight’s question for Living Room is simple, but likely contributes to why we write poetry and participate in the circle in the first place: What is a poem you love? Can you bring one to share? If you can articulate where, how, and why...