Seattle Poetics LAB (SPLAB), a literary arts-oriented nonprofit organization and the organizing entity of the Cascadia Poetry Festival, is presenting the seventh Cascadia Poetry Festival at the Multiverse on San Juan Island May 1-3, 2020. The Multiverse, a gallery and island cultural center, will provide an intimate setting for festival attendees to deep-dive into the intersection of poetics and bioregionalism.
splab archive blog
Cascadia Poetics LAB was known as SPLAB prior to September 2021. Here you will find past SPLAB blog articles going back to 2009.
Poets in Ireland
Join Irish poets Sean Lysaght and Nessa O'Mahony for six days of poetry and discovery in the West of Ireland. Limited...
Rattle Magazine & The Joy of Postcards
Dig what Rattle Magazine has done/is doing for poetry postcards!! Editor’s Note: Issue #68 of Rattle (Summer 2020)...
Puget SOUND Poetry
Nico Vassilakis is curating a night of Puget Sound Poetry, Friday, March 23, 2012 7-9P at Vermillion, 1508 11th Av, as...
Living Room, Tuesday 3.20.12 Prose. Poetry. Prose poetry?
Prose. Poetry. Prose poetry? While the debate where one ends and the other begins is destined to rage into eternity,...
Great Beer and Poetry: The Cascadia After Party
Great Beer and Poetry: The Cascadia After Party Saturday, March 24, 9:30 p.m. at SPLAB Suggested donation $5.00. (Free...
Introducing A Sense of Place: The Washington State Geospatial Poetry Anthology
Introducing A Sense of Place: The Washington State Geospatial Poetry Anthology edited by Katharine Whitcomb, Robert...
Igniting the Green Fuse: Women on Eco-poetry
“Igniting the Green Fuse: Women on Eco-poetry” panel moderated by Kim Goldberg (Nanaimo, BC) 12-4P Saturday panel,...
Tim McNulty Workshop Description: Images as Windows
Tim McNulty Workshop Description: Images as Windows (Saturday, March 24, 1-3P at SPLAB) In our workshop we’ll explore...
Living Room Tuesday 3.13.12 Poetry Extraction
Poetry Extraction One purpose of jargon is to rationalize discourse by substituting objective language for subjective...
Schedule and Rates for Cascadia Poetry Festival March 24-25, 2012
The Cascadia Poetry Festival will examine regional poetry culture by gathering renowned poets at SPLAB, to learn,...
Cascadia Gold Passes are IN!
The 1st Cascadia Poetry Festival is happening at SPLAB March 24 and 25, 2012. Will this be an historic event? Advance...
Living Room, Tuesday, Mar 6: I Love this Poem Because ____
I Love this Poem Because ____ Tonight’s question for Living Room is simple, but likely contributes to why we write...
Yes Yes Books @ SPLAB 3.8.12 7P
Abecedarians Living Room 2.28.12 7P
Abecedarians & Other Constraints This week we'll take on the notion of the abecedarian and combine it with a page...
Washington State Poetry Questionnaire (From the new Poet Laureate)
Hi Paul—will you consider filling this out and sending it to your connections? Thanks! Kathleen (P.S. The state's...
Never Not Making It New: The Poet’s Always Work (Living Room Tue 2/21)
“Words can neither define nor explain” -Alan Watts It is not news that the world is in a constant state of flux (just...
What do you Love? (2.14.12 Living Room)
To paraphrase Bo Diddley: I walked forty-seven miles of barbed wire, I got a cobra snake for a necktie A brand new...