Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

42 Days of August

2013 Postcard Afterword 2013 was the 7th year of the Poetry Postcard Fest overall and the 2nd year that Brendan McBreen would be in charge of organizing and distributing the list. A call went out on June 22 and I did not respond right away and found myself at 52 on...

SPLAB Presents Xi Chuan

While in China for the 3rd Qinghai Lake International Poetry Festival this past August, I met one of the most renowned younger Chinese poets, Xi Chuan. He has a book coming out next year entitled Notes on the Mosquito, published in translation by New Directions. In...

Interview with Sam Hamill

Sam’s at his best with this interviewer: I was shocked at the level of ignorance and downright illiteracy in mass media, people asking me stupid questions like, “Why can’t you just leave the politics out of it?” as if there were any poems in the world that were...

Readings & Interviews

This page features some of the SPLAB archive, including interviews done for SPLAB with Visiting Poets, Northwest Poets, readings at SPLAB and elsewhere that we’ve recorded, & radio segments including SPLAB Presents, which aired for several months in 2011 and...