Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Goodbye Columbia City

As I prepare to make one last presentation at one last Living Room in Columbia City, I am taking a moment to look back and consider all the great things that happened in our three year run here. My wife Meredith and I planned to relocate to Seattle as soon as my...

Living Room April 3, 7P – Synesthesia

  Synesthesia is a neurologically based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic and involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway.  We are not talking about constructing clever metaphors here, for...

City of Poets

It was a phrase used by C.A. Conrad when he visited Seattle and did a reading at SPLAB. He said he loved being part of our City of Poets. Our current Board President, Eze Anamalechi likes the idea of a Poetic Commons. Another Board Member, Joe Chiveney, suggests we...