Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Pacific Rim Poetrics Workshop Hugo House

Pacific Rim Poetics What does it mean to be a West Coast poet? Or to broaden the view, a Pacific Rim poet? In this course, we will look at some of the distinctions that make up the poetics of our region and beyond, from the haibun of Basho to the list poems of Sei...

Living Room January 4, 2011

Our weekly writer’s circle, Living Room, resumes Tuesday, January 4, 2011, as Your Friendly Neighborhood Splabman, Paul Nelson, presents an homage to Charles Olson, who would have turned 100 on December 27, 2010. SPLAB thanks everyone who contributed in one way...

Nathaniel Mackey Workshop and Talk Descriptions

Talk, Friday, March 11, 2011, 7:30PM, venue TBA: Descent Beckons Composer/multi-instrumentalist N. writes in Bedouin Hornbook, “What I’m proposing is that we hear into what has up to now only been overheard (if I can put it that way), that we can awaken resources...

Hugo House Workshop Registration

Pacific Rim Poetics is the Hugo House workshop offering from Your Wily Splabman starting in late January. See THIS from the Hugo House and please consider taking the 6 week Pacific Rim Poetics course. & remember, there’s a preview this Saturday at SPLAB from...

Pacific Rim Poetics

SPLAB POETRY WORKSHOP Saturday, December 11 12 to 3pm … the Pacific Coast of America faces the Far East, culturally as well as geographically… – Kenneth Rexroth What does it mean to be a Pacific Rim poet? In this course, we’ll continue our exploration of innovative...