Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

Cascadian Zen

Organized loosely around exploring the relationship between the Cascadian bioregion as it intersects with Zen ideas, practices, and aesthetics, Shin Yu Pai, Jason Wirth and Paul E Nelson are hosting a diverse group of writers who are interested in broadly exploring...

CPF5 Tacoma, October 12-15, 2017

Please join us for the 5th Cascadia Poetry Festival in Tacoma. See the whole schedule here. Registration for all events, except workshops, is $25 and linked here. Highlights: Thursday, October 12 7pm – Launch of 56 Days: Poetry Postcards, King’s Books, 218...

3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival a Huge Success

Having over the keys to a poetry festival you’ve created can be a nerve-wracking experience, unless the people given the keys are BETTER DRIVERS! Huge thanks to the Nanaimo, BC, local organizing committee for making the 3rd Cascadia Poetry Festival a huge...

Low Cost Workshops at Cascadia-Nanaimo

Press Release Cascadia Poetry Festival Affordable Workshops Four fantastic workshops (only $60 each!) will be happening at Vancouver Island University where many of the main events for the festival are being held. You do not need a festival gold pass to sign up for a...