Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

The Cards I Got (APPF13 2019)

I have been holding off on taking and posting my annual picture of poetry postcards received during this year’s August Poetry Postcard Fest. If I counted right, I got 62 cards: This is a shot taken Friday, September 13, 2019, and it does not do justice to the...

Postcard Impersonality

Reading Mark Gonnerman’s book A Sense of the Whole: Reading Gary Snyder’s Mountains and Rivers Without End I came to Tim Dean’s essay on The Other Voice. In the essay he states that in his 40 year epic poem, since Snyder: …harmonizes a vast...

Postcards in the Park

Two editors of 56 Days of August and two contributors gathered yesterday at the annual Poets in the Park event in Redmond, Washington. Ina Roy-Faderman, Your Humble Narrator, Joanna Thomas and Matt Trease were the facilitators of an intimate workshop during which time...

Postcard Update, Independence

First an update on the 2015 August Poetry Postcard Fest. We have 70 signups in the first 44 hours and the first two groups are complete. Lists have been sent out to groups 1 & 2. Participants in the first two groups represent: Mobile AL, Tuscaloosa AL, Castlegar...