This went out today: Dear Cascadia Poetry Festival Participant, I am sending out an email to participants, volunteers,...
splab archive blog
Cascadia Poetics LAB was known as SPLAB prior to September 2021. Here you will find past SPLAB blog articles going back to 2009.
Poets at Carrowholly
Poets! If you've ever dreamed of spending a week in Ireland with a dozen poets, now's your chance. Join Irish poets...
Cascadian Zen
Organized loosely around exploring the relationship between the Cascadian bioregion as it intersects with Zen ideas,...
Repeat After Me: Working with Repetition (Living Room, Tuesday 5.22.12 7P)
From Anthony Warnke: As I’ve begun to read Gertrude Stein in depth for the first time and reflect on some of my own...
SPLAB Living Room for Tuesday, May 15: No Lack of Ghosts 7P
Paranomasia has nothing to do with a lack of ghosts. Rather, it comes from Greek, meaning word-shunting, and refers...
Art Space, Mt. Baker Station Artist Housing
In what may be their best Seattle project yet, Art Space unveiled their latest plans tonight: Artspace Mt. Baker...
Writing Alongside Kim Hyesoon (Living Room May 8 – 7P)
The moving dot can be extinguished in an instant, yet it contains all information, even eternity. Try placing a dot...
Poets against Domestic Violence
(From Doug Johnson of Cave Moon Press) April 30, 2012 Dear Poet: In 2011 we produced the anthology entitled Broken...
Good Haibun/Bad Haibun Mayday Living Room
We'll celebrate Mayday by working on an ancient Japanese form that's gained steam since Jack Kerouac and Gary Snyder...
Diane diPrima Very Ill
Michael McClure wrote: Diane is suffering with several painful and even life-threatening illnesses, including removal...
Tuesday April 17 An Average Day in the City Living Room Jaunt 7P
An average day in the city: on the bus, a child mothers a crying parent; a homeless woman peers into the window of a...
100 Thousand Poets for Change
SPLAB was part of the inaugural event last September and may very well participate again. They are not looking for a...
Tuesday April 10 Living Room 7P Repetition 7P Living Room Tuesday April 10
The Strangeness of Repetition “It is very like a frog hopping he cannot ever hop exactly the same distance of the same...
Cascadia Poetry Fest Poster/Summaries
Here are links to some of the photographs and summaries of the 1st Cascadia Poetry Festival: Barbara Erwine photos:...
Living Room April 3, 7P – Synesthesia
Synesthesia is a neurologically based condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads...
Cascadia Afterthoughts 3.27.12 Living Room
We're still recovering from the very successful Cascadia Poetry Festival which SPLAB conceived of and hosted this past...
Cascadia Poetry Festival Update
We are in the final stages of preparation for next weekend's Cascadia Poetry Festival, which is shaping up to be quite...