Cascadia Poetics LAB
Poetry Postcard Fest
Watershed Press
Cascadian Prophets Podcast
Cascadia Poetry Festival 8

splab archive blog

Interview with Harold Rhenisch on The Salmon Shanties: A Cascadian Song Cycle

Harold Rhenisch interviewed by Paul E Nelson about The Salmon Shanties: A Cascadian Song Cycle.

Wanda Coleman on American Sonnets

  Wanda Coleman, born in Los Angeles, was an award-winning poet,...

Interview with Jane Falk and Mary Paniccia Carden on the book Joanne Kyger: A Poet in Place and Time

Jane Falk and Mary Paniccia Carden are co-editors of the anthology Joanne Kyger: A Poet in Place and Time, a new book of essays examining the work of the longtime Bolinas, California resident poet. Conducted October 5, 2024.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 9, 2024Contact: Paul E. Nelson,...

Wish You Were Here (Drew Myron)

It’s postcard season, and I’m ready! Once, a young friend went to Europe....

Bonus for Non-U.S. Poetry Postcard Fest Participants

Bonus for non-USA Poetry Postcard Fest participants in 2024 for the 18th iteration of the event which starts July 4, 2024.

Robert Michael Pyle Interview

Bob met me at the retro Atomic Motel and we talked for over an hour about his new book, the poems in it, his childhood, bioregionalism, his trip to Cuba, Vladimir Nabokov’s notion via biographer Brian Boyd of “attending to the individuating detail” of one’s life (an upgrade from the same notion I’ve gotten from Blake and Pound) and his general “thing” “close attention to the natural world.” It’s the June 2024 Cascadian Prophets podcast:

Poetry & Posole

Poetry and Posole Cascadia Day Celebrate the power of the natural world...

Mapes Creek Blessing

Some photos and notes from the April 27 2024 Blessing of Mapes Creek facilitated by the Cascadia Poetics Lab in Rainier Beach.

SPLAB logo

Cascadia Poetics LAB was known as SPLAB prior to September 2021. Here you will find past SPLAB blog articles going back to 2009.


Samthology Campaign

A book to honor Sam Hamill will be launched at the Cascadia Poetry Festival in Anacortes, May 9-12, 2019. Ian Boyden...

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SPLAB@25 Video

Paul Nelson is a master interviewer and this fact also belongs to his poetic life and legacy. His interviews are not about poetry and prophecy, but rather they are of poetry and prophecy.

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Two Postcard Events!

The August POetry POstcard Fest happens for the 12th year in 2018. The fest has become the biggest annual funder of...

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Reviews of Becoming Cascadian

To redefine our lives and the places we live by Bioregion, rather than by political boundaries, is not the work of a single morning. It will require small cadres of committed people who become nature literate, write instructive poems and essays, and gradually make sense to their neighbors. This program, Becoming Cascadia, was one node in a larger effort that has been developing. This particular workshop, however, drew not only on Cascadian writers, but drew a handful of people who have been at work a long time on the job! Touring Kubota Gardens provided a direct view deep into the bioregion for many reasons. Eating meals as a group solidified our sense of community. Concluding with poetry gave ceremonial fragrance. The sharing of ideas, books, and other resources, will remain central. Thanks to Mark Gonnerman for a list of resources. Thanks to all for straight talk and careful listening. – Andrew Schelling

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